Dual Audio : English & Brasilian Portuguese
Crown Award Winner for Best Evangelistic Film (Gold)
Crown Award Winner for Best Drama Under $250,000 (Bronze)
Bernadine King
A great movie,igive it 2 thumbs up. 5 star rating it is one of the best movies about the tribulation period that i have seen,and i've seen most of them.the story flows smoothly and is biblely accurate. while the judgements (seal,trumpet and bowl) are not shown,there is a great deal of suspence and action. A GREAT MOVIE. I will watch it again.
Michele Armstrong
I saw this movie on TBN. I loved it! I just had to have this movie to go with The Moment After 2 DVD I got, which I also saw on TBN. This movie really hits home and gives you a look at how things are coming to pass now in our lifetime. All you have to do is look at the news, the world and relationships between people and their families and friends now compaired to 10 or 20 years ago. Everything has changed and it's all proof that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back, He's standing at the door knocking just waiting for God the Father to say," Okay Son, Go get my children."
Fernando Pena
I thought it was a great movie, thumbs up. I'm going to buy it and pass it on to my family, and friends so that they too may come to know the Lord before it's too late. It's good for us Christians who know the Lord and are already saved, but I feel it's better for non-Christians, this way they may know what to expect after the rapture. One of may favorite parts was the song at the end of the movie, it's a tear jerker. Just the thought that I am saved and have eternal life with Christ is awesome. Praise the Lord!
Christine Packard
LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!! An excellent movie about the end times! Also, for the crucial ending of the story, watch number 2!! I HIGHLY recommend Six, The Mark Unleashed as well for another JESUS infused end-times movie. (It's funny, now that the animals have the mircrochip, the possiblity that humans are going to get it is slowly becoming reality, I can't help but wonder....)
Elisabeth Hodges
The Moment After is one of the Most Excellent Christian film's made to date . This film has Very Strong message that you better be ready for the second coming of Christ . If your not you will see in this film what is to come for those left behind . Excellent acting from all actors . What a Fantastic way to share Jesus Christ . I Pray you will share this film with your family and friends . Peace and Joy I pray for you .
Estevan Gutierrez
I realy thought it was a great change of pace by using the F.B.I. as the basis for the whole movie. The two agents butting heads through the whole movie shows what life is like from both sides of the spiritual realm. People who don't take life seriously should really see this film because THE MOMENT AFTER could be sooner than we think, and not being ready is the FATAL MISTAKE.
Sonia Romero-Fuentes
It is a movie that makes you think about how you are currently living your christian life. Are you firm in your belief, or are you being a hipocrite? It showed me that I want to be into the Lord 100%, not a Christian at church and a fool in the streets. Helps you examine your life. One word to describe it: ASTONISHING
Chelena Perkins
This movie is excellent! The movie not only addresses the issue of the rapture, but also challenges the viewer to really evaluate what he or she believes about end times. This is a definite must see for anyone who needs some encouragement!!!
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