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God bless you !

Monday, October 19, 2009


Dual Audio : English & Brasilian Portuguese
The Gathering is a powerful portrayal of Christ's return and the coming tribulation. In this film, Michael Carrie, a successful marketing executive is having visions that convinces him the "Second Coming" could happen at any time and does his best to warn his family and friends. Your church and community will enjoy this action filled drama with spectacular special effects.

The Gathering is designed to:

* Create thought and discussion on preparing one's heart for Christ's imminent return
* Be an evangelistic tool
* Encourage people to heed the warning signs of prophecies being fulfilledThe Gathering is a powerful portrayal of Christ's return and the coming tribulation. In this film, Michael Carrie, a successful marketing executive is having visions that convinces him the "Second Coming" could happen at any time and does his best to warn his family and friends. Your church and community will enjoy this action filled drama with spectacular special effects.

The Gathering is designed to:

* Create thought and discussion on preparing one's heart for Christ's imminent return
* Be an evangelistic tool
* Encourage people to heed the warning signs of prophecies being fulfilled


"I highly recommend The Gathering for Christians and non-Christians. The story is compelling and sends a strong message. Further, it serves to provoke conversation and inquiry from viewers regarding the detailed meanings of end-time events and salvation. It is refreshing to see the actions and the plan of God, working thru his people on the silver screen. It was convicting to see Christians, not made to look stupid or compromised (as often the case), but portrayed in realistic everyday situations, holding fast to the `profession' of their faith --Hebrews 10:23. We witness the character Michael, responding to an environment that is no longer even self-conscious of its deliberate anti-Christian bias. A very post-Christian environment indeed. Film media by its very nature, often bases reality on what can be seen and envisioned. The `visions and dreams' segments of the film where at times esoteric, and dramatic. This could have been somewhat de-emphasized by the use of more detailed scriptural reference, with dialogue between the characters stemming from from that foundation. That being said, it is a blessing to see the fruits of long hard work to make the movie. The Gathering is an excellent family film, which can be used as a evangelical tool as well. Tell friends and family about this film"
- Juststand from USA

"The Gathering is one of the finest Christian dramas about the rapture and its impact on individuals I have ever seen!"
– Jack Van Impe Ministries

"The most powerful ‘End Times’ film in recent decades! Superb acting and high quality technical style won't leave you embarrassed to show this to friends and family."
– Ken James, editor of Christian Spotlight in the Movies



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